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Problems That Stop India’s Youth To Start Companies Like Google & Facebook

Indians are usually considered very entrepreneurial but over the years we have never had companies which have made any radical changes in the way the world works. We all appreciate how amazing Google, Facebook and WhatsApp are as companies but why are we not able to start one of our own?

Google, Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram.

They have become household names in India and to an extent in every part of the world. Google is so popular that we have been using it as a verb for searching something. All these companies have something in common. They have been path breaking in their own fields. They were started by young people and have grown exponentially over a short period of time.

We have a seen a lot of politicians who talk about how they will make India a country where the next Google or Facebook will come from. Sometimes they don’t understand why they are saying it or what do they have to do to make it possible.

Here are some of the road blocks that come in the way of India being the home to the next big thing:

1. We Don’t Know How To Take Our Own Decisions. 

Parents take decisions for us rather than just teaching us how to take decisions. Very often you will see youngsters doing something that they don’t like just because of parental pressure. Parents justify it by saying that they have experience and they want the best for their kids. You cannot blame them for thinking that way. To an extent, they are right. The only problem is that this curbs the creativity of the kids. Sometimes parents cross the thin line between protecting and blocking creativity.

2. We Only Study For Exams.

If there were no exams, we would not study at all. We have been trained for a marks oriented education. Our society judges us on that now. We are not curious. Being curious is the pre requisite for doing something remarkable.

3. Our Education System Is A Factory. 

The system produces people who can do well if you ask them to do something but give them freedom to explore and more often than not, people will be confused on about what to do. This stems from the point above, when you are not used to using your own intuition to do something, you can’t do it even when you are one day given a free reign. Creativity is not a switch. Its a skill we need to develop.

4. We Take No Risks. 

We are a nation that runs on Jugaad but one thing we lack is the entrepreneurial spirit. We all aim to get jobs at amazing places rather than creating amazing companies where people can work. We are averse to taking risks. We think going broke is the end of the world. This has been ingrained so deeply in our society’s psyche now that anyone who does something ‘adventurous’ is seen as someone who doesn’t care about his career or whose family has a lot of money so he has an option of going back to the well trodden path later on in life. Our parents, schools, friends and everyone else around us teaches we not to be different. Unfortunately, not being different leads us nowhere.

5. We Lack Good Mentors.

Lastly, we lack mentors. We are so narrow minded that we think that helping someone achieve their potential is like helping the competition. We are selfish but not in a good way. We value individual progress more than society’s development. We don’t teach anyone anything and so in turn we don’t get to learn anything from anyone else. Its a cycle.

What do you think stops India’s billion plus population from starting the next big thing? Please substantiate your answer with a reason.

source : http://www.youthconnectmag.com/

Basic Functions of Management

Management operates through various functions, often classified as planning, organizing, staffing, leading/directing, controlling/monitoring and motivation.

  • Planning: Deciding what needs to happen in the future (today, next week, next month, next year, over the next five years, etc.) and generating plans for action.
  • Organizing: (Implementation)pattern of relationships among workers, making optimum use of the resources required to enable the successful carrying out of plans.
  • Staffing: Job analysis, recruitment and hiring for appropriate jobs.
  • Leading/directing: Determining what must be done in a situation and getting people to do it.
  • Controlling/monitoring: Checking progress against plans.
  • Motivation: Motivation is also a kind of basic function of management, because without motivation, employees cannot work effectively. If motivation does not take place in an organization, then employees may not contribute to the other functions (which are usually set by top-level management).
  • Communicating: is giving, receiving, or exchange information.
  • Creating: ability to produce original Idea,thought through the use of imagination

Implementation of policies and strategies

  • All policies and strategies must be discussed with all managerial personnel and staff.
  • Managers must understand where and how they can implement their policies and strategies.
  • A plan of action must be devised for each department.
  • Policies and strategies must be reviewed regularly.
  • Contingency plans must be devised in case the environment changes.
  • Top-level managers should carry out regular progress assessments.
  • The business requires team spirit and a good environment.
  • The missions, objectives, strengths and weaknesses of each department must be analysed to determine their roles in achieving the business's mission.
  • The forecasting method develops a reliable picture of the business's future environment.
  • A planning unit must be created to ensure that all plans are consistent and that policies and strategies are aimed at achieving the same mission and objectives.
All policies must be discussed with all managerial personnel and staff that is required in the execution of any departmental policy.
  • Organizational change is strategically achieved through the implementation of the eight-step plan of action established by John P. Kotter: Increase urgency, get the vision right, communicate the buy-in, empower action, create short-term wins, don't let up, and make change stick.

Management Information System

The following are some of the benefits that can be attained for different types of management information systems.
  • Companies are able to highlight their strengths and weaknesses due to the presence of revenue reports, employees' performance record etc. The identification of these aspects can help the company improve their business processes and operations.
  • Giving an overall picture of the company and acting as a communication and planning tool.
  • The availability of the customer data and feedback can help the company to align their business processes according to the needs of the customers. The effective management of customer data can help the company to perform direct marketing and promotion activities.
  • Management Information Systems can help a company gain a competitive advantage. Competitive advantage is a firm’s ability to do something better, faster, cheaper, or uniquely, when compared with rival firms in the market.

MBA Gyan

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